Families & Students
- Principal's Welcome
- Attendance Policy
- School Supply Lists
- Class Schedule
- Parent Handbook
- Sign Up for School Messenger
- Inclement Weather
- School Calendar
Principal's Welcome
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 School Year!
I am Beverly Nelson, your new principal of LAOLA. In addition to being the principal of LAOLA, I am the teacher-librarian at Chamisa Elementary and LAOLA. I am so excited to be your new principal. I know that by working together and embracing the changes, we can make this a great learning adventure!
Here is the background information about me. I grew up in Oklahoma and moved to Washington State in 1993. In 2011, I moved to New Mexico. I have been teaching since 1991. I was a 2nd & 3rd grade teacher from 1991 to 2001. I have been a teacher-librarian since 2001. I have been the assistant principal for LAPS summer school for two years. I have taught at four schools: Hubbard Elementary and Crooked Oak Elementary both in Oklahoma, Terminal Park Elementary in Washington State, and Chamisa Elementary in New Mexico.
I have been married to James Nelson since 2003 and have four grown up “kids": Xavier, Margaret, Liesbet, and Alexander. I have a spoiled rotten cat named Rex and two neurotic dogs named Archer & Artemis.
Below is a list of my degrees and certifications:
B.A. in Elementary Education, University of Oklahoma
M.Ed. in Curriculum Design, University of Washington
A.S. in Library Studies, Central Washington University
A.S. in Educational Leadership, New Mexico Highlands University
Elementary Education Certificate K-8, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington
Administration Certificate K-12, New Mexico, Washington
Reading Specialist Certificate K-12, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington
Library-Media Specialist Certificate K-12, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington
Social Studies Certificate 6-8, Oklahoma, Washington
Digital Citizenship Educator Certificate 2015 to this present school year teacher
LETRS Certified Teacher, 2023
Teacher of the Year Awards: 1992 Crooked Oak Elementary, 2003 Terminal Park Elementary, 2011 Terminal Park Elementary, and 2016 Chamisa Elementary
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is essential to learning. It also reinforces skills that are essential to students for future education and employment. For these reasons, the New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law requires that all students of appropriate age and condition attend classes regularly (NMSA 22-12-1, et seq., 2009).
Maintaining regular school attendance is the joint responsibility of students, parents, educators, and the legal system. The following rules for school attendance shall be observed and enforced for students attending Los Alamos Public Schools.
To Excuse an Absence call or email: 505-663-2471 ∙ t.mojica@laschools.net
Provide the following information via email, phone call, or written note before the absence or within 24 hours of the absence:
- Student name & grade level.
- A brief reason for the absence with the date and time away from school. (Illness, Bereavement, etc.).
- Parent name, daytime phone number, and signature (if sending a written note).
What to Say
Parents have requested a standard format to help them give the school the required information about a student’s absence. You may use the following as a guide.
“My name is _______________. My child ______________________ in _________'s class will be (absent/tardy/leave early) on __________________ because ________(illness, doctor or dentist appointment, family trip, bereavement). If you have any questions, please call me at __________.”
Excused Absences
Parents or an adult student may excuse up to ten days of absences per academic year. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or adult student to notify the school of every absence within 24 hours. Please notify the school office by contacting the attendance phone line or attendance email on the day of the student’s absence. Absences may be excused for the following reasons with proper notification:
- Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies
- Family deaths
- Hazardous weather conditions
- Late bus arrivals
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Suspensions
- Religious observance
- College or University visits
- Deployment of a military parent
- Parent or Adult Student Requested absences for educational travel as approved in advance by the school principal
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
Unexcused Absences
All absences for reasons not included under excused absences shall be considered unexcused. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Non-school sponsored activities or trips
- Family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
- Excused absences greater than 10 will be considered unexcused
Tardies & Early Exits:
Less than 5 minutes late constitutes a TARDY and more than 5 minutes late constitutes LATE in PowerSchool. Tardies are recorded in PowerSchool. If your child is late for class, you may get a quick email or call from a staff member letting you know that it is time to send your child to the Google Meet.
● If losing track of time and arriving late to class becomes a problem, we will work as a team to solve it.
Travel And Pre-arranged Absence Notification
Students planning a family trip lasting more than two days must obtain and complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the main office. Please submit the form to the main office for the principal’s approval no fewer than 5 days prior to departure. Absences for travel are included in the 10 allowed excused days per year. Travel that extends beyond 10 days will be considered unexcused.
Make-up Work and Grades
Students and/or families are responsible for requesting makeup assignments. Teachers may need one school day from the time of the request to compile work. Makeup work must be submitted within a period of time equal to the number of school days absent unless arrangements have been made with the teacher in advance. Teachers will assign any make-up work that can be completed outside of class, but credit for class participation and lab activities cannot be guaranteed. To maintain continuity in learning, students are encouraged to complete work missed during unexcused absences. Teachers are not required to accept work missed during unexcused absences unless otherwise notified by the administration. Individual teachers may require students to complete assignments before a scheduled school-related absence or family trip.
LAPS Policy/Regulation 5110/5110R
School Supply Lists
Class Schedule
Daily Schedule: Monday-Thursday
8:15 - 8:30 Morning Meeting
8:30 - 9:15 Curriculum Block: 5th/6th ELA/Social Studies & 7th/8th Math/Science
9:15 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 10:15 Curriculum Block: 5th/6th ELA/Social Studies & 7th/8th Math/Science
10:15 - 10:25 Break
10:25 - 11:15 Curriculum Block: 7th/8th ELA/Social Studies & 5th/6th Math/Science
11:15 - 11:25 Break
11:25 - 12:15 Curriculum Block: Continued 7th/8th ELA/Social Studies & 5th/6th Math/Science
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Time: LAOLA Learning Cafe will be open as an optional hang out, supervised by Mrs. Nelson
1:00 - 1:30 5th/6th Specials Class and 7th/8th/6th Band/5th/6th Orchestra Study Hall
1:00 - 1:45 Tues and Thurs
Barranca 5th Band, return to class by 2:05
1:45 - 2:30 Barranca 6th Band / 5th/6th Orchestra, may leave study hall at 1:25
1:35 - 2:30 Edgenuity General Electives
2:30 Dismissal
Daily Schedule Friday:
8:15 - 8:30 Morning Meeting
8:30 - 9:15 Cross Grade Level Team Teaching: Math/Science
9:15 - 9:25 Break
9:25 - 10:15 Cross Grade Level Team Teaching: Novel Studies
10:15 - 10:25 Break
10:25 - 11:15 Curriculum Block: Social-Emotional Learning, Financial LIteracy, or Student Led Special Interest Topics
11:15 - 11:25 Break
11:25 - 12:15 Curriculum Block: Social-Emotional Learning, Financial LIteracy, or Student Led Special Interest Topics
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Time: LAOLA Learning Cafe will be open as an optional hang out, supervised by Mrs. Nelson
1:00 - 1:30 5th/6th Specials Class and 7th/8th/6th Band/5th/6th Orchestra Study Hall
1:35 - 2:30 Edgenuity General Electives
2:30 Dismissal
Parent Handbook
Sign Up for School Messenger
Inclement Weather
LAPS Inclement Weather Procedures
It is the time of year when temperatures start getting colder and we may see some snow and ice. LAPS will monitor the weather and the need for any school delays or closures. Please be aware of the weather and watch for snow and ice on roadways and sidewalks.
- 2-hour delays: LAOLA does NOT have 2-hour delays. Classes will start on time at 8:15
- 2-hour delays are intended for snow removal, which is not necessary for LAOLA teachers and students to attend classes.
- If LAPS closes, LAOLA classes are also canceled.
- If you are unsure of the procedures for the day you can check several places.
- Call LAOLA at 505-663-2403 to hear the weather message, check your email, or call the Chamisa Line at 505-663-2472 to hear the weather message
- District website: www.laschools.net
- Emails to all parents, staff, and students
Local media and social media
School telephone information lines:
Aspen Elementary: 5-663-2277
Barranca Mesa Elementary: 505-663-2732,
Chamisa Elementary: 505-663-2472,
Mountain Elementary: 505-663-2327,
Pinon Elementary: 505-663-2682,
LAOLA: 505-663-2403
Middle School: 505-663-2375
Topper Freshman Academy: 505-663-2512
High School: 505-663-2512
District Office: 505-663-2223
- Announcements will be sent out by 5:00 am, via the media, district web page, LAPS School Messenger, and information lines.
- In general, if the Lab is closed due to weather, our schools will be closed.
- When school is dismissed early or canceled for the day, all after-school programs including athletics (both home and away contests) and activities are canceled.