Calendar of Events
- Tues, Nov 5: Election Day: No School
- Mon, Nov 11: Veteran's Day - No School
- Wed, Nov 13th: Chamisa Picture Retake Day
- Thurs, Nov. 14: Hawk Hangout at Fuller Lodge, 4:00 PM
- Wed, Nov 20: PTO Meeting, Principal Time, 7:00 pm in Library
- Mon, Nov 11: Veterans Day - No School
- Wed-Fri, Nov 27-Nov 29: Thanksgiving Break
- Thursday, Dec 5: Hawk Hangout at PEEC, 4:30-5:30
- Dec 23 - Jan 6: Winter BreaK
Letter From Jennifer Guy
We need and value your feedback. Below is a link to the Panorama School Climate survey that all school districts in New Mexico are asked to use this year. We will survey parents and caregivers, staff, and students. These surveys give us important data to help guide our practice and improve our programs for students and families. We will use the data when developing school programs and school budgets.
It is important that we have feedback from all of you. We appreciate feedback on the things that are working well so that we know what programs to continue as well as opportunities for improvement. Your feedback is critical.
You may complete a survey for each school your children attend. If you want to complete a survey for each child within one school you may but do not have to. You can do one for each school. The survey will take you about 5 minutes. You can change the language for your survey in the top left-hand corner. Your survey is anonymous. The school will not be able to connect the answers to you.
Contact Us
Absence Email: teresa.mojica@laschools.net
Office Line: (505) 663-2403
Information Line: (505) 663-2403
Principal: Beverly Nelson
Hello from the Attendance Clerk
Please remember to notify the Attendance Clerk and the LAOLA team when children are going to be late, absent or leave early.
Parents can email a copy of doctor/dentist notes. Please include child’s first and last name, reason for late, absent, leaving early and date.
Please let us know by any of the ways below:
Absence Line: (505) 663-2470
Absence Email: teresa.mojica@laschools.net