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Custom Class: hp-hero

Notes From the Principal:

Sept. 26 Hawk Hangout at LAMS, 3:30-5:30 Pizza, Music, Activities  (show a selfie of you being there and earn bonus points on your elective class)

Sept 27 Homecoming Parade, dismissed at 12:00 PM, come to the optional LAOLA Hangout to watch the parade together from 1:00-3:00 in front of Fuller Lodge (earn bonus points in your elective class)

Oct.  17th Hawk Hangout at Aquatic Center, 4:00  (show a selfie of you being there and earn bonus points on your elective class)

Ways To COntact Us

ABSENCE Line: (505) 663-2470
ABSENCE email:
Office Line: (505) 663-2403
Information Line: (505) 663-2403
Fax Line: (505) 672-1070
Principal: Beverly Nelson


Hello From the Attendance Clerk!

Please remember to notify the Attendance Clerk and the LAOLA team when children are going to be late, absent, or leave early. Parents can email a copy of the doctor's/dentist's notes. Please include the child’s first and last name, the reason for being late, absent, or leaving early, and the date.

Please let us know by any of the ways below:
Absence Line: 505-663-2470
Absence Email: